“To learn a thing in life and through doing is much more developing, cultivating, and strengthening than to learn it merely through the verbal communication of ideas.”
—Friedrich Froebel
“Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child's soul.”
—Friedrich Froebel
“…improving individual self-control will prove essential for humanity's long-term health, wealth, safety, and happiness.”
—Dunedin Study Article- Lifelong Impact of Early Self-Control , Terrie E. Moffitt, Richie Poulton, and Avshalom Caspi , 2013
“Children that exhibit greater self-control grow up to be adults that express more satisfaction in their lives”
— Dunedin Study Article -Lifelong Impact of Early Self-Control , Terrie E. Moffitt, Richie Poulton, and Avshalom Caspi , 2013
“The development of self-regulation is largely a function of a cumulative effect of experiences in the early years [...]. It is a critical foundation for mental wellbeing.”
- Rangimarie Hunia, Shazeaa Salim, Stuart McNaughton, Rochelle Menzies, Peter Gluckman and Anne Bardsley
“We know much about how psychological resilience develops and the education system has a major role to play.”
-Richie Poulton, Peter Gluckman, Rochelle Menzies, Anne Bardsley, Tracey McIntosh, Monique Faleafa (https://informedfutures.org/wp-content/uploads/Protecting-and-Promoting-Mental-Wellbeing.pdf)
"Take care of our children. Take care of what they hear, take care of what they see, take care of how they feel. For how the children grow, so will the shape of Aotearoa."
-Dame Whina Cooper
“He moana pukepuke, e ekengia e te waka.”
-Mountainous seas can be navigated by a waka